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Dr Jeplin Bez

Psychiatrist Consultation

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₹1200.00 (approx) per session

7 years of experience

Book Dr Jeplin Bez

About Dr Jeplin Bez

Language:- Hindi, English, Assamese. Dr Jeplin Bez is a Consultant Psychiatrist. She specialises in the field of mental health and the treatment of conditions such as Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Adolescent and Teenage behaviour and anger issues, Elderly depression and dementia as well as Drug and Alcohol De-addiction.


Psychiatrist Consultation

Dr Jeplin Bez can help you with



Stress Management

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Drugs Addiction

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Post traumatic Stress Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction

Obsessive Compulsion Disorder

Fear and Phobias

Panic Disorder

Conduct Disorder

Sleep Disorder

Somatoform Disorder

Eating Disorder

Personality Disorder

Relationship Issues

Habit and Impulse Disorders

Adult Therapy

Child and Adolescent Therapy

Psychiatrist Medication