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Ms Preeti Sharma

Adult Therapy

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₹1200.00 (approx) per session

3 years of experience

Book Ms Preeti Sharma

About Ms Preeti Sharma

Language:- Hindi, English, Marathi. I am Preeti Sharma, an Experienced Psychologist dedicated to offering specialized treatment to help individuals overcome psychological challenges. Committed to providing continuous support throughout the process fo diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment implementation. Proficient ni assisting patients in addressing significant life issues that have adversely affected both their personal and professional relationships.


Adult Therapy

Ms Preeti Sharma can help you with


Family issues


Couple Counselling

Stress Management

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Drugs Addiction

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Post traumatic Stress Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction

Obsessive Compulsion Disorder

Fear and Phobias

Panic Disorder

Conduct Disorder

Child Issues

Sleep Disorder

Somatoform Disorder

Grief Counseling

Eating Disorder

Personality Disorder

Relationship Issues

Habit and Impulse Disorders

Adult Therapy

Child and Adolescent Therapy

Parenting Counselling

Geriatric Care Therapy

Career Counselling

Cognitive Behaviour Therapist

Behaviour Therapist
